Be Smarter in The Sun !

About Us
Creating better sun awareness
An important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is spending time enjoying outdoor activity. This means we spend more time in the sun which while having obvious benefits also increases a possibility of overexposure to the sun's UV rays.
Sun Protection is vital
A vital part of spending time outdoors is remembering to protect our skin from the damage caused by the excessive UV rays. Sunscreen and proper clothing provide this protection but all too often while enjoying the moment we forget to reapply. Sunburn Alert products provide that memory trigger.

Sun damage and Skin cancer
Skin cancer is on the increase around the world yet is also the easiest to prevent.
Remembering to re-apply sunscreen and monitoring the length of time spent in the sun .are simple steps in the right direction.
Every single sunburn event increases the chances of a skin cancer. But because the damage may take years to show it is often ignored. So the earlier good habits are acquired the less chance of a nasty surprise later in life.